The season of summer internships is finally here again—college students are done with school for the year and are ready to join the workforce. With this, there are a few things that your intern would like you to know. Here are six tips from an intern, about an intern:
1. We are ready to work!
All year long, we have been busy learning. Now is the time to take all that information and put it to use in the real world. This can be a bit scary- we may question whether we are prepared for the job. No need to worry though! If you hired us, chances are we are well prepared for the job. Words of encouragement go a long way in building confidence!
2. We want to learn!
The main goal of an internship, for many interns, is to learn the industry which they are going to be working in. There are some things you just can’t learn in a classroom. Real world experience is imperative when it comes to picking a career.
3. We need room to explore
Many interns are still young and may not know what options they have. Like many individuals, they could start working in the field of their major and find out it’s just not for them. Room to explore the different parts of the company, as well as picking where they enjoy the work the best will allow for optimal space for an intern to grow and thrive within the company.
4. Have a clear set of tasks
Let us know exactly what is expected of us. Many interns are students; we are used to having certain expectations set by our professors. There are deadlines for assignments, projects, and exams that our professors expect us to meet. Having a job is no different. Our employers should set timelines and give us dates of when tasks are due to keep us on schedule.
5. We need feedback
You can’t fix something you don’t know is broke. As students, we get clear feedback from our professors on things we did well or things that need improvement. As workers, that same feedback will help us to maximize our potential. If we receive feedback and don’t know how to fix an issue, it will present a learning opportunity—and everybody involved can benefit from that.
6. Communication is essential
The younger generation grew up with cell phones, which is the quickest form of communication. Generation Z, therefore, expects fast and easy communication with their coworkers and employers. It is important that an employer finds an efficient way of communication, whether that be calling, texting, or a messaging system, i.e., Slack, GroupMe, Teams. The fast communication will enhance productivity all around.
Summer is an exciting time, especially for college students. Internships are a great way for us to learn, grow professionally, and even make some good business connections. Seize the opportunity! Best of luck to all the interns out there—let’s make it a successful summer!

This post was written by Kasey Gregor.
Kasey is B&B's first intern. She attends Virginia Tech, as a rising senior. Kasey will graduate in the spring with two bachelors degrees, one in English and the other in Professional and Technical Writing.
You can contact Kasey at